
What to expect?

Sessions range from relaxing and rejuvenating to targeted treatments, addressing chronic or acute pain. Each session is customized to best suit your needs. Targeted treatments use deep tissue, myofascial release, and assisted stretching techniques. This session will help improve range of motion, reduce pain, and promote muscle repair. In addition to massage therapy, other techniques may include cup therapy, IASTM (scraping), and percussive massage gun to improve circulation throughout the body.

Prior to your appointment, an intake form will be sent via email where you can explain issues, goals, or simply let me know you’re looking for a general massage.

Each session may include complimentary use of cupping, hot stones, percussive massage gun and IASTM (scraping), depending on your needs. Read below for an explanation of techniques used.

Myofascial Release
A more traditional massage using gentle and sustained pressure to release restrictions due to overuse and injury. Stretching may be integrated to warm and hydrate an area of tension; increasing range of motion, improving flexibility and restoring balance. The goal is to calm the nervous system and reintroduce fluidity into the muscles and fascial network. This session is relaxing and therapeutic.

Assisted Stretching
Assisted stretching plays an important role when working with fascia. Passive and active stretching opens the joint capsule which warms and hydrates the area; increasing range of motion, improving flexibility and restoring balance.

Cup Therapy
Utilizing negative pressure with silicone or plastic cups creates a nice stretch for the tissue. Lifting on areas of tension, rather than compressing, allows improved blood flow and mobility. The colored spots seen afterward are indicative of blood flow rising to the surface, helping promote circulation. Active and passive movement, while cups are placed stationary, re-educates the tissue by creating space beneath the cups to move freely.

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization. A stainless steel beveled-edge tool is carefully applied to the skin, gently gliding over areas of tension. The ergonomic shape of the instrument allows for more precise interaction with the soft tissue. Scraping stimulates the body’s natural healing response and enhances mobility.

Sports Massage
A form of bodywork tailored for active individuals who are looking to recover and improve performance. Stretching, cupping, and scraping may be used, depending on your needs. These sessions are ideal for those seeking a tune-up to keep their body functioning at its best. It’s recommended to wear gym attire for this session.

Please call, text or email to schedule an appointment.

If calling, please leave a voicemail detailing your session request.



Located downtown Kingsport, in The Progress Building.

247 Broad St. Kingsport, TN

Ready To Book Your Session?

Call, text or email to book your appointment. Please leave a voicemail detailing your session request.
